Gay Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen & Kate Christie

Posted: Wednesday 7 August 2013 by Mandy in Labels: , , , , , ,

This little gem is part of my dissertation reading list and I absolutely adore it. I read it in two one hour lunch breaks at work (and I'll probably read it again).

The book starts with the typical Pride and Prejudice line"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a signle man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
I liked the way how the writing style isn't all that different from the original book, but yet it presents a so called "modern twist". I love how the characters stayed exactly the same (apart from a few), but became fond of their own gender rather than falling for the opposite.

I was worried that the book will suddenly contain all gay characters, but as I read it I was pretty happy who became gay and who straight. It definitely adds a different twist to the story but not to the point where the book would get annoying. There are a couple of variations of Pride and Prejudice, but I believe this is the best one.

Definitely worth a read!
If you love Pride and Prejudice as much as I do, I'd recommend watching the Youtube version of it called Lizzie Bennett Diaries. A very, very unique version of the original (I don't even think this sentence makes sense?)

Mandy xoxo